Movie News: Shia LaBeouf Arrested At Broadway Musical

Shia La-Busted........

Seems Shia LaBeouf has been up to no good again with reports from Variety Magazine saying LaBeouf was arrested on thursday night at the Broadway musical Cabaret in New York.

The star was smoking inside the Studio 54 theater and acting “loud and disruptive” during the first act of the Tony-nominated musical, which stars Michelle Williams, Alan Cumming and LaBeouf's ex-girlfriend Carrey Mulligan.

He was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct and one count of criminal trespassing in a Manhattan court yesterday.

It's not the first time the Transformers star has been in trouble this year with it being just one in a string of bizarre incidents. If you remember his plagiarism fiasco he tweeted "Retiring from all public life" but went on to say that it was "Performance art".

Whatever the case it seems to be that Shia LaBeouf is becoming increasingly more troubled and I feel this is not the last time we'll see him in the headlines for doing something naughty.



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